Wednesday, April 23, 2008


WARNING: "95% Of People Who Start Ballet Classes Will Fail Miserably... Here's How You Can Succeed!"
"How To Gain An Extra Advantage That Will See Your Ballet Technique Soar To New Heights"
From: Anita LeembruggenSaturday 10:30am
Dear Friend,
Would it benefit you if I could show you how to dramatically increase your ballet skill in the shortest time possible?
Before I tell you how I can help improve your dancing, let me start off by telling you how I got here and why I am writing this.
It all started at my first ballet class.
I had no idea what to expect but like many others, I always wanted to be a ballerina, so I built up the courage and finally made it to a class. When I arrived I quickly realized everyone else had been dancing at least a couple of years already and here I was, the newbie, standing in the middle of the studio not even sure if I was wearing the correct ballet attire.
My mother had never danced and knew nothing about ballet, so I couldn't ask her for any advice. Like many other mothers, she really wanted to help but she just had no idea know what to do for me. You could only imagine the embarrassement and intimidation I felt as a teenager standing all by myself in the dance studio with all these experienced dancers and caring 110% about what everyone else thought of me.
The teacher must have seen how nervous I was. She came over and started asking me some questions about how I found the studio and what I was looking to get out of ballet class. Being a little old to be starting ballet I got the impression she didn't think I was going to be around very long.
She showed me a few of the basics so I could at least keep up with everyone else before they got into the advanced stuff. She then addressed the entire class and we started our warm-up at the barre.
"Let's Start With Pliés" Called Out The Teacher.
That I could handle. Although I had the gracefulness of an elephant I at least could bend my knees. I only just survived the rest of the barre by watching the others in front of me and trying to mimick them as best as I could.
Then came centre practice with temps lié and pirouettes. Apart from not having a clue what these movements were, I could hardly balance on one foot in a pirouette. The teacher was telling us to snatch our foot to retiré, spot our head, use our arms, relevé right up onto demi pointe and hold our centre tight. This was all a little overwhelming because I didn't know what half of the words she used meant and I was still just getting use to the plié.
Then came allegro and she called out things like battement jetté, changement, and pas de bourrée. I was totally overwhelmed with all this french stuff. My dream of becoming a beautiful ballerina was very quickly fading away.
When I got home after class I burst into tears and felt like giving up. It was just too hard. I could never see myself becoming a beautiful ballerina. I now understood why so many girls drop out of dancing.
Somehow I managed to pull myself together
I returned to ballet class the next week and asked the teacher "What can I buy to help me get better?". She looked at me with a saddened expression on her face and said, "There's nothing currently available that will really help you improve. You just need to keep on coming to ballet class."
Unsatisfied with that response I nagged mum to buy me books so I could teach myself how to be the ballerina I always wanted to be. To my dissappointment, my teacher was right. I found a few good tips here and there but nothing really made the difference for me.
After not finding anything that could really help me I just kept going to class and I worked hard at improving. I progressed through the ballet syllabus achieving honours in my initial exams and constantly pushing myself to work harder.
I worked SO hard that I achieved the award "Top In Dance" for both my senior years at school.
I kept dancing for years after school and ended up becoming a teacher myself.
Then it happened...
One day one of my ballet students came up to me and asked "Is there anything I can buy to help me get better at ballet?" Those words hit me like a tonne of bricks.
This student was just like I once was. She desperately wanted to achieve her dream of becoming a ballerina and knew she needed more than her one class of ballet a week to get there. I realized that without any extra help, it took me over 4 years for things to actually start clicking; To be able to recite the french terms and understand what they mean and to be able to perform any ballet movement without having to think about it.
That night I got out a pen and paper and I started writing. I wrote down all the things I had learnt in my struggle to be the best I could be and all the things that I had learnt while teaching. I knew I had to write a guide that was 'to the point' and contained the inside info that students need to really help them grasp the concepts and understand the movements quickly.
I finished my first draft and I called it The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina. Nice and catchy.
I started sharing what I had written with fellow friends and associates but I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea what their reaction would be.
What actually happened I could have never expected.
One of them wrote back to me and said, "Anita, I know about 20 people who need this information. I'm sending them your details right now."
Another said, "Just about every aspiring ballet dancer I know desperately needs the advice in "The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina ". What can I do to help you spread the word?"
I started publishing my guide online and excited responses like these just kept coming in.
"I'm just getting back into ballet and I can't thank you enough""I danced for many years when I was younger but I stopped and have regretted it ever since. I downloaded The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina a few days ago and I feel just as excited about dancing as I once was. I can't believe how much helpful information there is in this guide. I'm looking forward to picking up where I left off and this is just the thing I need."Betty Whittle, QLD
"I wish I had this book when I first started out." "My compliments to the author on the book! It's written in a manner that makes it feel like she's there explaining everything to you in person which makes it so easy that even a beginner can understand. As a seasoned dancer, I wish I had this when I started dancing over 10 years ago. It would have helped me develop my technique much better and faster. I expect that when my daughter is old enough, she'll be reading it too!"Tanya Gould, CO
"Even my eight year old daughter thanks you." "I bought this guide for my daughter who started ballet 6 months ago. Let me tell you she has improved so much from just following the pictures! She is now one of the best in her class and her teacher is amazed at her progress. It gives me great joy being able to read The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina with her and help her develop into a beautiful little ballerina. Thanks for writing this brilliant book. We both love it. Mary Dixon, LA
What initially started as a written guide has now developed into a full package including audio and video demonstration software plus my new version includes 1-on-1 video tutorials.

Hi Anita,
I am 19 years old, from Melbourne Victoria. My mum purchased the Ballet Bible for me and WOW… It has changed my whole outlook on dance.
The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina is outstanding and my favorite. Now when I am teaching the little ones, I have a better understanding of the technique and terminologies so I am teaching them correctly.So it is not only helping me to become stronger, but the next generation of dancers as well.
Thankyou so much for writing such a wonderful tool. And I look forward to reading and learning more from your next issue.
Kind regards
Tamara Baird.Jen*Sue DancersMelbourne.
Dear Anita,
My name is Rachel, I live in WA and I just wanted to say thank you for the 3 simple rules! It's been great for in home practice and breaking down difficult steps.
Everything was well explained and watching steps be demonstrated was a big help. This year I passed my sub elementary ballet exam and got a very pleasing mark. I definitely think that the 3 simple rules gave me the leg up I needed.Thanks!
Dear Anita, I just wanted to say a huge thank-you for the help and motivation that the ballet bible has given me - as someone who had taken a few years off from dancing it was at first very daunting trying to catch up, however, the ballet bible provided me with the much needed stepping stones to helping me regain my confidence and technique.
Well done you! I can't wait to see the new edition! Much thanks & love, Zoe
Hi Anita,The Ballet Bible has helped me regain new ways and strategies to teach my students the ballet technique. I used the ballet bible as a study tool to study for a test to get my certification as a Dance Masters of America teacher in Ballet. It helped me study and review the terminology and positions I needed for the written and verbal/presentation of the tests. Thank you for all the wonderful time and dedication you have put forth into making this wonderful tool for dancers and teachers like myself.
Jessica Roesener-Parkland, Florida
Now It's YOUR Turn!
Obviously ballet is not something you can learn overnight and be a superstar at by morning. Ballet takes years to master and one of the best ways to improve is by having your own dance teacher. But what would you say if I could help you accelerate your skill level to where you never thought possible?
If You're Ready To Take A Stand And Achieve Some Serious Improvement In Your Dancing, Keep Reading!
Many dance teachers across the country are recommending this package to their students as required reading because they are undoubtedly noticing the difference in the improvement of those following this advice.
The Complete Ballet Bible Package: PART 1
This ebook has but a single, ultimate goal: To be so clear on exactly how to improve your ballet technique that you will be wondering how on earth you could have gotten so far without The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina.
I will have failed if I only do what other guides do. They show you WHAT to do . I take you by the hand and coach you on exactly HOW to do it.
You will be amazed at this books ability to teach you how to dance with grace, precision, and poise. It's as if I am standing next to you guiding you through every movement and gesture.
In this guide I not only show you how to do a movement or gesture correctly, but I also show you how most dancers do it incorrectly, and I tell you WHY. No other book I have ever read shows you this. It is a fundamental aspect to learning. If I show you how NOT to do a movement you will have a better understanding of what compromises the correct form. You will automatically see improvement in your dancing.
Here's some example diagrams taken from The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina:
Incorrect Posture (taken from page 28)
Can you see the faults in these pictures?
Can you label every wrong aspect of these diagrams and specify exactly how to correct them?
Are you willing to take the risk of overlooking something critically important to your development by falsely passing this incredible resource up as just another ballet guide?
You would be surprised at the number of students who learn bad habits and keep them for life stunting any possibility of them actually progressing to a professional level. In The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina I outline exactly what you need to know to start off on the right foot.
Here is an example of an incorrect sequence movement that so many dancers do.
Incorrect Developpé (taken from page 35)
This is just one example of an action that is fundamental not to just ballet, but all dance styles. If you learn this movement incorrectly you will end up with nothing but huge thighs and sloppy technique.
In The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina I unveil the correct methods to many elements of ballet. I take you step-by-step through each detail so that you know everything there is to know.
The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina offers you more than 200 pages of practical, concrete how-to methods with complete descriptions and explanations founded on solid dancing theory.
Would it benefit you to know how to correctly execute movements with precision and speed?
Could this kind of information help you and your dancing?
How much time and effort would it save if you knew how to do things right the first time?
Here is a small list of some of the things you can expect from The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina.
Advice on how to succeed as a dancer.
What you should look for in a dance teacher - If you don't know what to look for you could end paying good money for bad advice.
The History of Ballet - Learn How and Where ballet got it's form and its significance in today's dancing.
Ballet Class - From Adage to Pointe. Learn how a class is structured and the significance of each part.
French Terminology - How to decipher common words.
Incorrect diagrams. See first hand how NOT to perform a movement or stance. No other guide shows you this!
Ballet Style - Learn the difference between everyday movement and ballet movement - Includes detailed pictures and explanations!
How to make sure you are not weakening your muscles or unbalancing your joints. Many dancers compromise their training with poor habits outside the studio.
Classical Ballet Training: From Start to Finish - The method, movements, and technique. You will be blown away at your improvement!
Learn the correct way to perform Developpés: Most dancers never learn the correct form and wonder why they can't balance properly and can't do it fast enough.
Common Errors - Some dancers struggle again and again with the same things. You will be able to quickly identify your weak points and find out exactly how to correct them.
The 6 primary positions of the feet. Where every movement starts and finishes. This is essential training!
The 9 Arm Poses - Learn exactly how to perform each pose. You will undoubtedly impress others with your comprehensive knowledge.
Detailed Movement Guide - From Plié to Pirouette: Everything including Sur le Coup de Pied, Arabesque, Battement Tendu, Glissé, Jetté to Developpé and Grande Battement.
High quality pictures - through each and every step you will be able to see exactly how your body should be positioned for correct form.
Styling - Learn how to perform movements with grace and elegance! People will automatically assume you have been dancing for years.
Learn how to combine expressive arms with soft flowing hands to make every pose magical.
Ever wanted to know how to have total control over your legs as you gracefully perform an arabesque? Now you Can!
Learn the best practice exercises to train your leg muscles and prepare you for pointe.
Do you know the components of a pointe shoe? Learn how to determine the best pointe shoe for your foot shape.
Tying the pointe shoe. Follow step-by-step examples with clear descriptions. You'll be able to do it blind folded in no time at all.
How to correctly balance yourself for optimum flexibility and performance. Most dancers never learn and constantly struggle with problems that could so easily be avoided.
Why stretching is important. If you know how to use it to drastically increase your performance you'll wonder why everyone else hasn't caught on.
Great looking legs can be created - Have you ever seen a ballerina with ugly looking legs?
Warming up and cooling down - Do this one extra thing and notice the difference straight away.
Improper stretching - Are you stretching incorrectly and actually hindering your performance (You’ll be surprised)
Exactly how to convey the right meaning for your specific movement or expression... (You don't want to appear as if you're saying you have big ears when you're just listening).
How to pose for maximum impact... learn how to use your whole body so that the audience understands exactly what you are saying without thinking twice.
How to develop your own unique style and personality to your mime (Ever notice how some dancers always seem to have that extra added “character” in their performances? That’s because they’re using this technique.)
5 classic stories of love and adventure. These include popular works like "The Nutcracker" and "Sleeping Beauty".
Want to rendition your own version of Pierre Gardel's famous play. How to use your new found knowledge of ballet mime.
"To the point" recollections. You won't be bored with uninteresting detail while you fall asleep.
The Complete Ballet Bible Package: PART 2
For PC & MAC

This amazing software package not only makes it easy to find any ballet term and learn its meaning, but it also includes real voice audio pronunciations.
When I started ballet, I was so overwhelmed with all the different terms and their meanings. I spent ages learning and re-learning all those terms.
I always wished there was an easier way than spending hours and hours with a book in my hands going over terms and their pronunciations.
And Now There Is!!
I created this software initially as a personal resource for myself and my students. I only learned of it's impact when one of my students had this to say about it.
It is totally awesome! Within minutes of using Ballet Bible Audio Terms & Definitions I could correctly say 10 terms that I was previously saying all wrong. It is so easy to learn ballet movements this way and it's really fun. Now I know TONS of ballet terms and I know exactly what they mean.
Thank you, Ashleigh!
A few minutes using Ballet Bible and Ashleigh learnt more than she would have in months doing it the hard way!
And it can work for you too…
I know, because it has worked for hundreds of ballet dancers just like you. One of the best things about this software is that it is so easy to use. Just take one look and you've got it figured out. This software is not like the usual kind with a million menus, hidden buttons, and complex manuals. This software has specifically been designed for ease of use and maximum knowledge gain. Just have a look for yourself.
Easily scroll through the whole list of terms with one mouse click.
Find specific terms easily.
Learn the correct french accents for specific terms.
Click a button to hear each term sounded out for you.
Clear and concise definitions for easy learning.
Easily visible pronunciation guide.
Offer your own suggestions.
The Complete Ballet Bible Package: PART 3
For PC & MAC
This software program is a collection of over 60 videos on ballet technique.
I always found it hard practising at home because I didn't have my teacher to show me how to do the movement correctly.
You may be a visual learner like myself and really benefit from being able to watch how to correctly perform a Balloncé or Entrachat Quatre whenever you like. If I had something like this when I started I would have been light years ahead.
This software is so easy to use. Check out the screenshot below. Before long this will become your favorite program. You will be referencing this software package over and over again.

The Complete Ballet Bible Package: PART 4
For PC & MAC
Do to popular demand I have compiled one of the best resources you will ever find teaching you 1-on-1 the fundamentals and technique of ballet.
Included in this 1-on-1 demonstration/teaching series is over 20 individual video lessons covering everything you need to know to reach the top of your class in record time.
Imagine having access to a top notch ballet teacher 24 hours a day. How much quicker do you think you would be able to improve your skill level? This is essentially what you get. Everything you need to know is covered step by step just as if I was standing right next to you guiding your every movement.
In this video series you will learn things like:
Detailed warm up routine to minimize injury. Learn exactly how dancers should warm up and stretch out their muscles.
Ballet Posture - From head to toe. Discover the finer points you may be overlooking.
The Secret to beautiful arm extensions - How to avoid the dreaded chicken wing extension.
The ballerina's graceful walk. Use this technique on stage and people will think you have been dancing for years.
Spotting for turns. Do this one extra thing and notice a huge difference in how easy it is.
The perfect developpé - Why so many dancers get it wrong.
Penche, Foutté, Arabesque, and Pirouette technique - Quickly identify how your whole body plays an important part in these movements and how to maintain complete control.
Discover the secret to higher, faster, and more impressive batterie execution.
Advanced Steps - Learn exactly how to tackle movements you may never have even seen before.
Getting onto pointe - Are you ready? Find out the best exercises to strengthen your feet.
Placement on pointe. A lot of people struggle with pointe work unnecessarily because of incorrect foot placement. Now you will know exactly how to achieve maximum stability.
What makes a good dancer great? - Discover how to bring everything together for a magical performance.
Injury prevention for dancers. From diet to physical strain.
Practical advice for parents - Did you know that parents can help improve a students progress just by doing a few simple things.
Is it possible to make it even though you have started late? Find out exactly what you need to know.
Check out what others have been saying about The Complete Ballet Bible Package.
Hi Anita: My name is Linda Mings and I live in Ontario, Canada. I am an adult ballet student who started ballet at the age of 41 and have been taking it for 2 years recreationally. My teacher is wonderful but once a week classes were not allowing me to progress and I often forgot how to do the steps correctly once leaving the class. The Ballet Bible has been a great help in explaining and demonstrating ballet in an easily understandable manner, and being able to watch the video demos of the steps has been wonderful in helping me do the steps correctly. I am very glad to have purchased the Ballet Bible and highly recommend it.
Dear Anita,The Complete Ballet Bible Package has been a godsend. I invested in this just before I started classes. I had my first lesson this week and they thought I had been dancing for years. They were so surprised when I said I had never taken classes before. This course is packed with so much helpful information, and it's so practical. I know more about ballet than the girls that have been dancing for over 3 years! Thanks heaps Natasha Simmons, BO
This is Fantastic!I'm a ballet teacher who is always on the lookout for good information to recommend to my students and this is such a great resource for my students to have that I am constantly advising them to get it. It's also great for the parents to have as well as it helps them understand why we do certain activities.
Stacey Lawson
Your guide has been an awesome reference to me and a constant reminder... more of a summation of what I've learnt at dancing. It has all the highlights and rules and more importantly, the preperation of a certain position with pictures! Usually it can be quite hard to visualise especially if you're not big on the ballet jargon. This book has certainly given me practical advice and the abillity to succesfully make the most of every ballet class.PS: The stretching section is awesome too, I can just go through it page by page and do the exact right stretches FOR DANCERS! Not stretches for people who need stretching in general...fantastic! Thanks heaps :)
Kathleen Hoyos
Dear Anita!Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in such a brilliant way. Even though I am not into ballet per se (I do ballroom dancing), I love the Ballet Bible Package because it provides so much knowledge and is great help for me in choosing what I should spend my scarce time on when practicing alone.I know I should have developed my technique a long time ago, but the step just became bigger and bigger with time. When I discovered The Complete Ballet Bible Package it became so much easier to take the step, and start spending quality time fixing and developing my own skills in dancing. Thank you! I highly recommend The Ballet Bible Package. It provides access to the amazing techniques of ballet, and it is understandable, with illustrations and explanations of that difficult vocabulary. Erik RolandTromsø, Norway
It is wonderful to know that someone has finally put together such a wonderful compilaton of practical information for dancers. I am a professional performer, sports Trainer and Dance Teacher. My Love for dancing started over 25 years ago and lead to many great things. The Complete Ballet Bible Package is a must for any one with a passion for perfection in Dance. I recommend this package to all my students, and would recommend it to everone in all levels of dance.
Thank you Anita!
Tina SparksGold Coast, Australia
My name is Renny NG. I live in Sydney, NSW. I started dancing when I was around 5 years old. However, I stop joining dance lesson when I was in year 10. When I stop my dancing lesson, I still keep on practicing by my own. I also dance in the church since I was in year 6 until now. Since 2 years ago, I have been asked to teach dancing in church. I was struggling a lot because I have forgotten some of ballet terms and it's very hard to explain the right way to dance to people since I have never taught dance before hand. The ballet bible package helps me to explain the movements and terms to people who I teach. It also improve my skill because I can remember things that I have forgotten.
Thanks,Renny NG
I am 58 years old and started ballet, tap and jazz 4 years ago as a work out. The adult group consists of 6 women in in their teens, two in their 20's, two in their 30's, one in her 40's, and me in my 50's. We all loved the dance class so much that we participated in the recital. I purchased your book this summer and it really helped me to polish my ballet moves. I am looking forward to your 2nd edition. I hope other older women will have the courage to try dance. You are never to old to try something new! I feel so much better doing ballet. You use muscles that you don't normally use in other activities. Keep up the good work. Cathy Reel, Iowa
I have been doing ballet for a few years now and I found the BalletBible to be a godsend especially around exam times when you just need torefresh your self with all the terms. My mum also got me The 3 SimpleRules of a Prima Ballerina and it has helped me develop my technique much better and faster. I would recommend Ballet Bible to any one that isdoing Ballet.
I am an adult beginner who likes to take class seriously and will study, read and practice on my own time. Alot of the information I read in books did not offer diagrams and clear directions on basic and more advanced positions, hence, too confusing to follow. It was important to me that if I am going to practice at home, that I am doing it correctly as to not learn bad habits or wrong moves. What I really like and find very helpful are the pictures that are large/close-up showing the "correct" and "incorrect" positions and how clear and simple the instructions are to follow. It gives me the confidence I am learning correctly. My teacher cannot believe how much I improved and progressed since last year. This is a must for any beginner or for those who want a "refresher."ElaineNew York, USA
From a teachers point of view this is a fantastic resource. I have lent it to some of my students for inspiration, particularly the beginner students. It has really assisted with developing technique and explaining the terms of ballet. I look forward to sharing it with my daughter when she commences dancing. Congrats on a great book! Many Thanks
Prue Haithwaite, NSW
I was very happy when I downloaded the Ballet Bible. I took ballet classes when I was younger then stopped when I had children. I had forgotten so much, but this book has it all in it. I love it. This is just what I needed to start dancing again. Everyone could benefit from this book, whether you've danced before or not. Thank you!
Misty from TX
I'm Lynn and I'm 19 years old, and i'm now taking ballet classes for beginners and the ballet bible is really helpful for me, because it gives me more confidence in my self. Because it's written in such a friendlike way, it encourages me , not to give up. I especially like the videoclips of the ballet moves in the videoplayer : it's like taking ballet class at home but without having to worry about it going to fast for you.
Thank you, so much.
"I'm Sure You've Heard Enough. By Now, You've Got To Be Saying. How Do I Get My Hands On This? "
I'll be honest with you. If I were to sell these items separately they would be worth well over $100. Now, I know many would gladly purchase The Complete Ballet Bible Package for $100 considering there's no other ballet resource as valuable and with this much potential.
But since I want to make it easily available to you no matter who you are, I've decided to drop the price. What would you say if I said you can get this incredible package for only $47?
Unbelievable right? I must be crazy offering this package for such a low price. Last time I checked, I couldn't find anything else like this on the market. There is nothing else as advanced and comprehensive as this available.
I can promise you, This price of only $47 will not last forever.
Think about it...with a price tag of only $47, The Complete Ballet Bible Package pays for itself in savings you would otherwise spend on countless lessons just learning a fraction of what's inside this course. In fact, it will pay for itself over and over again!
I have still one more incentive to sweeten this offer, and that's my unbelievably comprehensive guarantee.
I am so confident that you will be able to improve your ballet technique using The Complete Ballet Bible Package that I want you to test drive the whole kit for a full 8 Weeks and then you be the judge and decide whether you want to pay a single penny for this information!
Risk-Free, 8 Week 100% Money-Back Guarantee
I want you to be completely satisfied, that's why I'm giving you a Risk-Free, 8 Week 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
1. ASK FOR A REFUND AT ANY TIME. And a check is on its way to you - for the full amount.
2. KEEP EVERYTHING I'VE SENT YOU. Keep the entire package. It's all yours FREE forever! I can't be any fairer than that.

Go ahead and re-read those paragraphs for loopholes if you want. You won't find any. My money-back guarantee is iron clad. That's how sure I am that you'll be crazy about The Complete Ballet Bible Package. I'm certain you'll absolutely love it.
But make sure you don't exit out of this webpage before clicking the order link below.
Here's how to get your digital copy of The Complete Ballet Bible Package and start really increasing your ballet skills today...
I Understand This Is A Strictly Limited Time Special Offer And It May Never Be Made Available To Me Again.
I Further Understand That In Addition To The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina, I'll Also Get the Ballet Bible Audio Terms & Definitions Software plus the Ballet Bible Video Demonstration Software plus The Ballet Bible 1-on-1 Video Lessons at no extra cost.
I know anyone would have to be flat out insane to pass on this incredible deal.
On That Basis, Let Me In At This Special Offer Price Of Only $47 For My Personal Copy Of The Complete Ballet Bible Package.
Because I'm Acting Now, I Get All This For Only $47! Login to buy........

"The Complete Ballet Bible Package" is a digital product delivered as an instant download. Once your order has successfully been processed you will return to for immediate download.
This whole process takes less than 5 minutes
(All Orders Are Processed On A 100% Secure Server)
(I reserve the right to end this offer at anytime without warning.)
P.S. - I should warn you... prepare yourself for faces of shock and amazement when people see your new dancing ability. Your ballet will never be the same.

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